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Team Meeting
Anchor 1

mastermind group study

Create the synergy for team engagement in your organizations.

OR Engage with a group of growth minded leaders. 


Whether you're looking to increase your teams’ awareness of each other or grow yourself as a leader, discover the power of participating in a Mastermind Class.


A Mastermind Group Study is an in depth study that a team or a group of like minded people, who are dedicated and motivated to making effective and lasting changes in their personal and professional lives, can grow together. Gaining insights from John Maxwell's Leadership and/or communication principles and practices combined with the perspectives and experiences from the collective group.


Key benefits of a Mastermind:


  • Increase your understanding of leadership and communication through a combination of reflective introspection and participative interaction.

  • Stimulate your own creativity through the knowledge of the material discussed and ideas of others.

  • Learning from each others leadership styles and thought processes.

  • Be affirmed and build your confidence through the encouragement and support of like-minded people.

  • Gain insight into your blind spots that may be undermining your leadership through the skills and practices of others.

  • Opportunity to get honest feedback or advice from others.

  • Be inspired to create an action plan for your endeavors and have the group encourage you in the journey.

  • Engage in an accountability partnership with someone in the group that you connect with.


What you can expect in a Mastermind Group Study:


  • The mastermind meets 60 to 90 minutes weekly (depending on size of group), for 5-10 weeks depending on curriculum.

  • The meetings are confidential and run professionally with a curriculum and complete respect for each participant’s privacy as well as complete respect for each participant’s time is exercised.

  • There is a level of commitment on my part to deliver the best material to you in the allotted time with the utmost standards of professionalism as well as a level of commitment on your part to come to each meeting on time, prepared and with a positive attitude.

  • As we move through each lesson, as a group we will bring together our ideas and opinions that will help shape and mold our understanding of the material in a way that is far superior to simply reading a book on your own. We will be combining all of our minds to becoming a master mind.

  • Your expectation will be to increase your awareness and understanding on how to evolve into an effective leader – raising the leadership lid to a new level. 



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Discover John Maxwell's Mastermind Learning Programs for growth.

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