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My Story

Passionate About Empowering and Inspiring Others

If you're in need of a professional coach who can be a thinking partner, a certified Behavioral Consultant that empowers individuals natural wiring and cohesive collaborative relationships, a catalyst for elevating mindsets and creating a forward momentum towards your vision whether in your business, organizations, career or your families then Anna Donato is the person for you.

Her 30 years of experience and success in customer service, corporate sales, entrepreneurship and raising a diverse family of 5 can provide some key insights to your own success.


Learn from this experienced empowerment leadership coach today and discover how you can be intentional in realizing your potential based on your wiring.


Whether you need  a coach to develop yourself, your current or potential leaders, a motivational key note speaker or an experiential workshop trainer that provides both introspective and interactive exercises, Anna is a catalyst for engagement.


She utilizes her experience, the study and practical application of John Maxwell’s proven leadership methods and a series of programs and tools that bring insight to topics included but not limited to:


• Self-Awareness

• Self-Leadership

• Effective Communication

• Behavioral Intelligence

• Accountability

• Vision

• Problem solving


All programs move people towards transformation. Helping you to develop the leader within yourself and inspire a leadership culture in the people you model to/lead. Engagement in these programs not only add value to yourself but also to those you lead and/or serve, such as colleagues or co-workers, customers/client, community and your family. 


Empowering and Inspiring change, encouraging and acknowledging personal growth, seeding hope in the vision that is in fruition.


I am a professional leadership coach, speaker and trainer who empowers business leaders and C-Suite Professionals to translate their visions into inspired intentional actions using effective connection practices. Equipping them with the knowledge and awareness to find resource in themselves and others, breakthrough their mental barriers, enhance their soft skills and raise their connection quotient to effectively increase their communications. Reducing stress, stimulating productivity and mitigating burnout.


Specializing in Personal Growth, Behavioral Intelligence, Stewarding the Leader Within You, and Team Engagement.


Contact her today to start your growth journey towards realizing your potential and/or developing the leadership culture you would like to see.


An energetic individual, who has great faith in people and committed to encouraging, equipping and empowering people on their journey. I am passionate about becoming an overcomer, someone who looks for the learn in every step forward, applying any change required and expecting anticipated success.


Using a combination of effective people skills and creativity, She help you and/or your teams move into high performance. Impacting your bottom line.


As a wedding photographer, I helped brides and grooms manage the dynamics of their respective families coming together on their wedding day. Taking note of what I needed to know that would enable a peaceful, joyful, collaborative wedding day. 


As an empowerment leadership coach I help you with the areas you've identified for personal growth,  looking to your potential while helping you reflect on your current reality, engaging your  inherent creativity to produce viable solutions. Helping you discern the best way forward.


During the pandemic, although my faith in people and outcomes were tested, I found my faith grew exponentially. Persevering in personal growth, reflecting, understanding and acting with hope in uncertainty.  Provided coaching and trainings on leading through crisis. Conducting webinars and masterminds with the Ajax Pickering Board of Trade and Business Advisory Centre in Durham. Ongoing coaching with individuals and teams. Volunteering as a Leadership Development Coordinator with Sanctus Church. Speaking and coordinating programs to help develop small group leaders.


I have been trained and certified by the internationally recognized #1 leadership expert Dr. John C Maxwell. Founder of the Maxwell Leadership  team.  I have access to a faculty of mentors and a team of coaches who empower me to serve. Our mission statement is we are people of value who value people and add value to them.


Outside of work, I lead, mentor and facilitate study groups such as the Alpha Course, Freedom Sessions and Sanctus Church Connect Groups.


Favorite thing to do is creating enjoyable experiences whether at home or in my coaching businsess and freezing moments in time through photography. My belief is in the end who we become and the memories we created is how we’ll be remembered.


Born and raised in Montreal Quebec,  I met my husband in Dominican Republic and made the move to Toronto Ontario over 33 years ago.  We have 3 adult children and  are now empty nesters residing in Port Perry Ontario. I'm known for my hospitality and compassion for children in care.


For any inquiries about my services please message me below or schedule a complimentary coaching consultation.  It would be my honor to serve you.


  • Maxwell Leadership Coach and Trainer

  • Maxwell DISC Consultant and Trainer.


  • Empowerment Leadership Coach & Trainer

  • Facilitating Group trainings and Workshops.

  • Behavioral Intelligence

  • Webinars

  • Leadership Development 

How I Can Help You

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