Lunch-&-Learns program offers
Ask about a Complimentary Lunch & Learn for NEW clients.
As a Maxwell Leadership Certified Member, our mission is to be
People of Value, Who Value People and Add Value to Them.
Please find below some program offers that may be of value to you. Feel free to contact me for any questions you may have. It would be my honor to serve you.
communicating in other people's world
The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place. - George Bernard Shaw
Gaining insight on how you and others are wired can increase your communications skills. Allowing your message to be heard. Whether you are trying to reach a loved one or someone you don't even know.
Discover the "Maxwell DISC Method" based on William Marston's DISC Theory - the international language of Personalities and see an increase in your message being received, acknowledged and acted upon.
Benefits of this training:
Learn key strategies to connecting with those who think and communicate differently.
Discover your own unique behavior style, recognizing your strengths, limitations, expectations, fears and more importantly blind spots ( what do you do that may disconnect you from others).
Learn how you can make every communication an opportunity for connection.
Ignite a Growth mindset culture
Lunch and Learn
based on the 15 invaluable laws of growth
- John C. Maxwell
Growth doesn't just happen. - John Maxwell
Growth requires a perspective shift. Engage your teams in a lunch and learn focused on reframing pain from both a personal/professional standpoint and embracing uncomfortable stretches.
This training helps your teams gain insight into 2 of the 15 principles that govern personal growth based on John Maxwell’s book “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth”.
The Law of Pain - Good management of bad experiences leads to great growth.
The Law of the Rubber Band - Growing to your full potential requires stretching out
of your comfort zone.
Benefits of this training:
​Develop the mindset that ignites the traction needed to move your team forward.
Learn practical steps for turning pain into a gain.
Uncover how stretching out of our comfort zone brings insight, understanding and helps us discover our value.
Increased awareness and understanding on how to evolve into an effective leader.
Raising your teams’ leadership lid to a new level.
Empower and Develop Leaders
Lunch and Learn
based on Becoming a Person of Influence
- John C. Maxwell
Influence doesn't come to us instantaneously. It grows by stages." – John Maxwell
Gain insight into the stages of influence and their impact in developing existing and up and coming leaders.
With influence, you can achieve success at home, at work, and in every other area of life. Authors John Maxwell and Jim Dornan have spent most of their lives raising up influencers. We will be unpacking some key points that they’ve gleaned from decades of experience in both business and nonprofit arenas.
Benefits of this training:
Uncover why influence is not about position.
Discover how your influence impacts others based on your level of influence with them.
Gain insight into the methods of Influence and their impact.
Learn the four stages of Influence for empowering and developing leaders.